Vale Bernadette Wallis

19th Sep 2019

Bernadette Wallis, a former Western Australian Ladies Golf Union President, passed away on Friday 13th September aged 91.

Bernie was a Council member for 22 years and she applied the same single-mindedness to achieving her administrative goals within the Union as she did while playing golf.

Bernie’s achievements on-course were as equally impressive as they were in an administrative capacity.

She first joined the Western Australian Golf Club in 1957 to win the Silver Plate in both 1966 and 1976, the Golden Jubilee Medal in 1978, and the Olive Davenport Spring Bowl in 1977.

In 1981 she joined the Royal Perth Golf Club where she won the Eileen Dawson trophy in 1987, the McCulloch Cup, plus a total of 15 silver spoons.

When co-opted to the WALGU Council she was a member of the Match Committee from 1968-1979, the Scratch Score Committee from 1969 -1970, the Junior Committee in 1972 and the Vice President from 1977-1979.

She followed on as President from Eileen Dawson and in 2000 she was awarded an Australian Sports medal for her contributions to golf administration.

After her term as President, Bernie Wallis continued to work within the Council in the Finance Committee and Match Committee until 1990.

Although Bernie was a member at Royal Perth later in life, she maintained her connection with the WAGC through a perpetual trophy named in her honour.

The following article published in the ‘Daily News’ in 1965 bears testimony to her confidence and character.

How unlucky or lucky can you be? Take the case of Mrs Bernie Wallis of the Mt Yokine Golf Club …

Hitting off from the 2nd tee (which is now the 11th) on a three-par hole she lost sight of the ball and thought it had gone out of bounds. “Although it means a penalty, I’ll take a provisional ball to replay my shot,” Mrs Wallis said to her partner.

“What’s the use, you would have to hole-in-one to win”, replied her partner.

“I will do just that for your sake,” said a smiling Mrs Wallis. With almost nonchalant ease, Mrs Wallis hit a beautiful long drive into the hole.

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