Six Seasons Golf Club changing lives in Northam

3rd Sep 2019

GolfWA’s CEO Gary Thomas and Regional Support Officer Ian ‘Chook’ Fowler have expressed their excitement about the collaboration between Six Seasons Golf Club and the Fresh Start Recovery Programme (FSRP) in Northam with generous support from Royal Perth Club and the work of a group of dedicated volunteers.

The FSRP grew out of a commitment to help drug users and their families recover from dependence. The facility in Northam is a three-story building with sleeping quarters for up to 40 men, common areas, a garden area, chicken shed and vegetable patch. Residents also have access to a gym, sporting facilities including a golf course and educational services.

Two years ago, The Six Seasons Golf Club, named after the six seasons of the Noongar calendar, the Six Seasons Golf Club was just a dream of a few golf enthusiasts. The Club has partnered with the FSRP to re-establish the old golf course on ‘The Hills’ property where the program operates.

CEO of the FSRP Jeff Claughton had previously expressed his interest in regenerating the golf course and the chance to partner with Six Seasons Golf Club was the perfect opportunity.

I am continually reminded of the value of persistence when the subject of any particular patient’s journey to recovery from addiction comes up in discussion. While each struggle is unique, behind every success is a story of sheer will and determination to succeed no matter how painful or costly the journey. It is important that our clients have the opportunity to change their mindset, expand their community, connect with people who care, share their wisdom, and support others on the journey. Playing golf at the Six Seasons Golf Club provides this opportunity,” Jeff said.

Gary Thomas and Ian ‘Chook’ Fowler were recently invited to Northam to learn more about the collaboration.

“It’s fantastic to see a club that supports cultural diversity and inclusion. Six Seasons will open up game development opportunities to an audience of whom we are keen to engage,” Gary said.

Inspired by what he heard about the initiative, Chook took Six Seasons’ story of inclusivity and participation back to his fellow members at Royal Perth Golf Club.

GolfWA’s Buddy Club initiative pairs a metropolitan golf club with a regional golf club and involves sharing of resources, knowledge, systems and equipment and hosting interclub events. Royal Perth has always been quick to lend a hand to their regional Buddy Clubs and upon hearing Chook’s stories about Six Seasons they were keen to help. Royal Perth has so far donated nine pins, flags and cups to the fledgling Six Seasons Golf Club with a commitment for more support in the future.

Royal Perth General Manager, Brad Dawson was only too happy to help.

“It’s great to be able to support regional clubs. Six Seasons Golf Club will be an amazing asset for the Indigenous Wheatbelt community, and we are more than happy to support them in any way we can,” Brad said.

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