Chance for Community Instructors to upskill at free workshops

17th Jul 2023

Community Instructor Program

GolfWA is delivering FREE practical training days for accredited Community Instructors throughout July and September. 

The five sessions are a great opportunity for existing Community Instructors (CIs) to build on knowledge gained in the online accreditation course and develop confidence in delivering MyGolf and Get Into Golf programs, with the support of a PGA Professional.

Workshops will be staged in the following locations on the following dates: –

  • Exmouth GC – July 28th
  • Katanning Country Club – Aug 6th
  • Busselton GC – Aug 13th
  • Fortesque GC – Sept 7th

You can register for any of these sessions here.

Interested parties who have not yet completed the CI accreditation process will be eligible to participate in the workshops as soon as they have completed the online process. Full details on achieving this can be found here.

What is the Community Instructor Program?

Golf Australia’s Community Instructor Program provides online training and accreditation, equipping participants with the skills and knowledge to deliver national participation programs.

As an accredited Community Instructor, you can: –

  1. Provide support to PGA professionals to extend their program offerings and assist the facility in increasing community involvement and membership at clubs
  2. Be a primary deliverer of participation programs if there is no PGA professional at your club
  3. Upskill as a teacher by completing the Community Instructor Teacher accreditation to run school/community participation programs including Sporting Schools

Extolling the value of CIs, Marc Pike, GolfWA’s Game Development Manager, said: “Community Instructors play a critical role in driving the growth of grassroots golf where no PGA coaches are at their club, and in supporting PGA coaches where they are present.

“Their role is particularly important in regional WA. The more active CIs we have that complete the online accreditation and practical workshops, the greater the potential to introduce new people to golf and create sustainable pathways into all forms of the game.

“Who knows, CIs could even uncover the next Minjee Lee, Hannah Green or Min Woo Lee. There is undoubtedly great, untapped potential across WA and we would love to be able to provide more opportunities for regional athletes to realise that potential with the help of the CI network.”

Sign up to complete online CI accreditation here.

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