Pinjarra’s Joan Martain wins voluntary award

7th Jun 2023

The Herculean voluntary efforts of Pinjarra Golf Club’s Joan Martain have been formally recognised by her receiving a Certificate of Appreciation from the Shire of Murray.

Joan (pictured above receiving her award at a Volunteers VIP Function) has been a member at Pinjarra since 1998 and has become part of the very fabric of the club, being particularly active in the 9-hole ladies’ group and in junior development.

According to Pinjarra GC’s General Manager Narelle Haynes, Joan’s recognition was just reward for her selfless efforts to promote the club and enhance the membership experience over a period of more than 20 years.

“Joan is well known for going above and beyond expectations,” said Narelle. “She has been responsible for recruiting countless juniors over the years and has championed the club at every opportunity,” said Narelle.

“She’s willing to help people 24/7 and is always thinking about others and making sure their needs are met.She’s also very up-to-date and capable on social media channels, which is really helpful in her work with junior golfers. Every club needs a Joan! I don’t know what we’d do without her.”

The annual Shire of Murray Volunteers VIP Function, supported by Lotterywest and VolunteeringWA, acknowledges the thousands of Murray residents who give up their time through formal and informal volunteering to better their community. Certificates of Appreciation are awarded in recognition of 10 and 20 years of volunteer service to communities.

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