2020 Drummond Golf Women’s Country Week

7th Sep 2020

A highlight in the West Australian golfing calendar, Drummond Golf Women’s Country Week was enjoyed by over a hundred participants from all over the state on some fine metropolitan courses last week. A celebration of friendship, golf and a great deal of laughter followed the ladies as they travelled between Gosnells, Secret Harbour, Lakelands and Royal Perth.

Peta Trevaskis of Jeramungup Golf Club was thrilled to be back again this year.

“The courses bought me back -they really are magnificent compared to our little club! Just beautiful, lovely and so wonderful to enjoy them together. Playing with different ladies is also a big opportunity for me. Given there are only eight lady members of our club, to learn and see others play golf this week is a big plus. For the last three times I have played at Jeramungup, Colleen my friend and I have been the only ones on the course! We mowed the course last week as the guys were just all flat out on the farms. It took us a day and a half but we did it and we were so delighted with the result. It is such a treat to come up here on these courses – they are just magnificent.”

The prestigious Gladys Hawkes Cup, the best of the two fields (36 holes nett) in the Bronze division was won by Lesley Owen of Denmark, narrowly defeating Hopetoun’s Jenny Davidson by one point. The best overall gross score over the 36 holes in the Bronze Division, the Country Bronze Championship Cup, was won by Busselton’s Pam Glossop. Pam was last years runner up and was delighted to have “improved on last year!” Busselton Golf Club hit the podium again with club member Jan Mountney taking out the Country Silver Tray the best overall score over 36 holes nett in the Silver Division.

For the third year running, the Country Silver Championship Cup for the best overall gross score was awarded to Denmark’s Sharon Dawson. Sharon is having an impressive season taking out the WA Senior Amateur title earlier in the year. Sharon confidently held the lead by nine over fellow Denmark club member Marion Nelson.

A huge thank you to 2020 Women’s Country Week sponsor Drummond Golf for your continued support and the generous host clubs for sharing your magnificent courses. It was wonderful to see so many ladies from regional WA supporting this event.

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