Expressions of Interest for Regional Events closing soon!

7th Apr 2022

The GolfWA Regional Events are held close to many people’s hearts. For some they are a chance to reconnect with friends, for others a chance to play country golf. However, GolfWA is currently suffering from a lack of interest in holding these events. This is unfortunate as players may not get to experience the breadth of regional courses we are lucky to have in our great state.

The Manjimup Golf Club held the 2021 edition of the beloved Regional Seniors tournament. GolfWA asked them what they found as a result of their efforts last year.

“We had such a great time with this event, even though it was run with only a handful of Manjimup lady golfers. We learnt so much about running events from Neil and his team”, said Manjimup Ladies’ President Robyn Kristoffersson.

“The revenue generated for, not only our club, but for the Manjimup community was significant. Our visiting ladies certainly made their presence felt in the town, not only in their shopping sprees but in the purchasing of fuel, accommodation and food, which did not go unnoticed. Our course presented at it’s best by our volunteer men and was also widely praised. Hopefully this was taken back to other clubs”, continued Robyn.

There are many advantages that come with hosting a GolfWA Regional Tournament, including those listed below;

  • An additional source of revenue for your club.
  • A potential new member pool.
  • Club promotion on GolfWA website through the Events & Tournaments and Fixtures pages.
  • Club promotion through event articles.
  • Club promotion on GolfWA social media which include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.
  • Use of the marketing and event collateral created by the GolfWA marketing team (professional photos, videos etc.)
  • Hosting large events can aids in club sponsorship opportunities.
  • Aids in promoting volunteerism and club spirit!

So if you’re a club president, a player or involved in any Regional Club in our great state, just head to the link below to express your club’s interest in hosting one of our beloved regional tournaments!

Click Here to register your club’s interest

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