Rudgeley rules the Athena

28th Feb 2022

Mount Lawley star amateur Kirsten Rudgeley won The Athena Golf Challenge yesterday amongst a field of professionals.

The two-day event takes on a bit of a different look than other tournaments as the first round consists of ten ‘challenges’ that test the players across every aspect of the game. Putting, chipping, driving and other challenges provide points which then decides the 12 players that move onto the matchplay component of the tournament across the final day.

Rudgeley finished on top of the challenges with an impressive 73 points. An impressive feat in itself considering the challengers she had beside her. The next rounds consist of three-hole matches.

Kirsten first saw off Queensland’s Cassie Porter in the quarter-final before moving on to the semi and a matchup with Pro Player Stephanie Bunque. Rudgeley’s dominance through the first two rounds of matchplay were impressive enough before she won a tight final against New South Wales’ Grace Kim.

The win strengthens Rudgeley’s status as the top female amateur in the country and is her first win over professionals in a tournament. It also completes a successful fortnight for home club Mount Lawley. Rudgeley’s win compounding pro Hannah Green’s wins at the Vic Open and the TPS Murray River.

“It was such an awesome experience. I loved the whole week,” she said.

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